LifeDop 250 ABI System
The LifeDop 250 ABI System is a cost effective handheld doppler that easily locates vessels and detects blood flow. The Lifedop 250 dopplers measure systolic pressures that allow you to calculate ABI and diagnosis P.A.D. With the four cuff option waveforms can be captured for use in seeking reimbursement.
Handheld Doppler for diagnosing Peripheral Arterial Disease (P.A.D.)
Choose Two or Four Cuffs with Aneroid
Compact printer to capture waveforms
8 MHz bi-directional probe
Adhesive-backed label paper
- Uses 3 x AA batteries
Batteries and carrying case included
ABI reference documents and video
- 1 year manufacturer warranty
- For Medicare reimbursements the CPT Code is 93922