
Umbilical Cord Care Products

At Cascade Health Care, we carry everything that a birth center or healthcare facility may need to provide expert care during newborn delivery, including an assortment of umbilical cord care products.

Our selection of products includes instruments used for the cutting of and clamping off of a newborn’s umbilical cord. These umbilical cord care products include the Cascade Cord Bander, Sterile Cord Tape, Generic Cord Tape Rolls, Plastic Cord Clamps, Cord Clamp Clippers (available in both plastic and metal), Umbilical Cord Scissors and our Cascade Cord Clamping Kit.

Whatever your clinic or facility requires, we have a wide selection of economical and high-quality options to choose from when it comes to delivering proper umbilical cord care. We offer multi-unit discounts on larger orders and do not charge any sales tax.