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D900 Mini Dopplex, Huntleigh D900 Mini Dopplex, Huntleigh

D900 Mini Dopplex - Huntleigh

$659.00 - $699.00
Huntleigh D900 Mini Dopplex The Huntleigh D900 Mini Dopplex, is our best selling general use vascular doppler. This entry-level, audio only, non-directional pocket doppler provides all the standard...

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bili-hut™ Custom Carrying Case

bili-hut™ Custom Carrying Case

This durable nylon case with custom insert for base, nest, and power supply ensures safe transportation and storage of your bili-hut™ Neonatal Jaundice LED Phototherapy Device. Features a separate...


Cascade is a leader in the medical equipment supplier industry, specializing in providing high-quality health care supplies and equipment. We proudly offer medical supplies online at competitive prices to health care professionals. Since 1979, Cascade has focused on providing a carefully researched selection of hospital-grade medical products online from trusted manufacturers, including Huntleigh, Wallach, Natus, ADC, Ambu, Nasco, Childbirth Graphics, Medline, Welch Allyn, Masimo, Miltex, Accuscreen, and more. Our trained customer service representatives are just a phone call away; they will ensure you order the right health care equipment and supplies for your facility.

Cascade Health Care has you covered, from midwifery equipment to natural health care products online and much more. Browse our unparalleled selection of medical equipment and specialized supplies online today to find what your health care facility needs most.