Cascade Health Care carries Male Pelvis and Prostate Model Teaching Aids. Items featured include various pelvic models with ligaments/organs as well as standard models that feature the pelvic bones only. Each one of our teaching tools is designed with user-experience in mind, and our male pelvis models are no different.
At Cascade Health Care, we strongly support preventative measures when it comes to Testicular Cancer, which is why we have an excellent model available for educating men on how to perform self-exams. Our prostate cancer visual teaching aid is comprehensive and understandable, ensuring provider and patient success during communication.
We also carry a wide range of Educational Materials including charts, books, teaching aids and more for Breast Cancer Awareness, Breastfeeding, Childbirth, Family Planning, Newborns, Pregnancy, STDs, and Women's Health.
Look no further than Cascade Health Care for a complete selection of teaching tools and aids, including our selection of testicle exam and male pelvis models. We proudly offer a sales tax–free checkout experience with speedy, reliable shipping on all orders.