There are many surgical equipment brands on the market of varying quality. Some of these are of good caliber, while others are poorly made. Cascade has researched and tested many instruments to ensure our customers receive the best. Our surgical tools, including labor and delivery surgical instruments, are from the Miltex, Konig, and Vantage brands. We based our decision to carry their products on the knowledge that they provide good service and reputable manufacturing. Consider the following brands for your facility’s applications.   .
Miltex produces premier general surgical instruments and sets the standard by which all other brands are compared. Their instruments are German-made and of the highest grade European stainless steel. When properly cared for, Miltex instruments can provide exceptional, consistent performance for a lifetime.
König surgical instruments offer outstanding performance, longevity, and durability. Brushed stainless steel and German craftsmanship are the hallmarks of the König collection. These instruments are designed to withstand the rigors of regular use and are backed by a lifetime warranty.
Miltex & Konig Carb-N-Sert instruments are German stainless with jaws that are made of tungsten carbide, the hardest steel used for surgical-grade instruments.
Where cost is a concern, the Vantage floor-grade brand of surgical instruments by Miltex is an excellent option. Vantage instruments are guaranteed to be free of defects in workmanship and material. When properly cared for, Vantage brand surgical tools can provide solid, reliable performance for many years.