Imex Elite 100R Vascular Doppler
The Imex Elite 100R Vascular Doppler is an audio only, hand-held Doppler that is compact, economical and comes complete with a built-in speaker, 9-volt rechargeable battery and battery recharger. Manufacturer warranty covers 1 year labor, 5 years parts (1 year for probe).
Probe Options
The 5mhz vascular probe has a deeper penetration than the 8mhz probe and is most commonly used to locate hard-to-find pulses and monitoring deep veins and arteries in legs: and for ABI studies in larger patients.
The 8mhz vascular probe has a shallow penetration and is best used to assess superficial vessels. It is most commonly used for Ankle/Brachial Indes (ABI) studies, finding pedal pulses and would care applications.