The Life/form® Ear Examination Simulator
Simulator makes it possible to practice examination of the human ear. Specially molded to exactly simulate external and internal physical appearance and dimensions, the plug-in removable ears are easily changed. Life-size full-color prints on film, embedded at the tympanic membrane, provide the same realistic views experienced with a live patient.
The lifelike, flexible texture of the ears requires the same manipulation when using the otoscope as required on a live patient. Realistic irrigation and cleaning exercises are possible with the two tubes of synthetic earwax that are provided with the simulator.
Includes normal tympanic membrane (photo embedded), mucoid otitis media (photo embedded), serous otitis media with fluid level (photo embedded), chronic otitis media with perforation (photo embedded), normal tympanic membrane with slanted ear canal (photo embedded), normal ear without photo for earwax removal exercise, two tubes of synthetic earwax, image CD, instructions, and hard carrying case. Five-year warranty.