Debunking 5 Breastfeeding Myths Once and For All

Debunking 5 Breastfeeding Myths Once and For All

Jun 13th 2022

Everyone under the sun holds their own beliefs and opinions about specific topics. Breastfeeding is no exception. You’ve likely heard many opposing thoughts from friends, family members, healthcare enthusiasts, and the online community. For this reason, there is a great deal of common misconceptions floating around concerning nursing a baby.

Let’s separate fact from fiction by debunking five breastfeeding myths once and for all. Here’s what you need to know about this part of the mothering experience.

Myth: Every Mother Can Breastfeed

The belief that every woman can breastfeed is a false notion. Most mothers have the innate ability to nurse their children, but a small percentage simply cannot. These women face real challenges, such as milk production obstacles, infections or illnesses, or financial obligations. For these reasons, breastfeeding is not a possibility for every new mother.

Myth: Breastfeeding Is Naturally Easy

Another common breastfeeding myth has to do with the process’s perceived difficulty level. Be knowledgeable about this fact: breastfeeding is not an inherent ability or talent. The process is natural and instinctual but not necessarily easy. Nursing a baby is a learned skill that may be challenging at first. Fortunately, medical professionals known as lactation consultants can help mothers overcome prevalent difficulties with ease. The experience may take time, patience, and remedying before achieving success.

Myth: Breast Milk Is Always the Best Choice

Exclusive breastfeeding is considerably the best situation for mom and baby. However, nursing mothers can also use a formula to feed their babies on some occasions if needed. Those looking to breastfeed and bottle feed should consider speaking to a lactation consultant to create an ideal nutritional feeding plan. Then, new knowledgeable moms can switch back and forth without headaches or hassles.

Myth: Breastfeeding Moms Can Only Eat Plain Foods

Concerned mothers often wonder what they can and cannot eat. Unlike pregnant moms-to-be, breastfeeding mothers do not need to continue avoiding diverse foods. The truth is that new moms are not limited to only eating plain foods. Generally speaking, a mother that eats a balanced, nutrient-dense diet does not change her consumption habits. However, keep an eye out for any foods that might upset the baby’s stomach or cause a reaction—and speak to a healthcare professional if adverse situations arise.

Myth: It’s Normal To Always Feel Sore or Uncomfortable

Despite common belief, pain is not an inevitable effect of the breastfeeding process. A bit of discomfort or soreness when starting out is typical, but prolonged pain or discomfort is a sign that something isn’t right. Consultation can help identify the root of the source, such as infection or incorrect latching techniques.

Cascade Health Care is a leading supplier of professional healthcare products and medical equipment. We carry a high-quality collection of lactation supplies for newly lactating mothers and educational consultants. Browse our specialized selection today to fulfill your needs or reach out to our exceptional customer service team with questions about our online inventory.