3 Tips for Increasing Your Breast Milk Supply
A common concern among breastfeeding mothers is their ability to maintain breast milk production. The good news is that many do not need to worry about the rare occurrence of an insufficient supply. However, many new moms strive to produce more milk and are unsure if their baby is feeding enough.
The truth is that how well a baby drains breast milk is the main influence on its production. Ergo, the incorrect approach, improper latch, or weak suck can effectually decrease one’s supply. Never fear—let’s take a closer look at three true-and-tried tips for increasing your breast milk supply. Here’s what to keep in mind to raise milk levels.
Nurse Frequently on Both Sides
The economic model of supply and demand directly applies to breast milk production. Fluctuation is fairly normal, as ups and downs often occur. Nonetheless, remember that a lactating breast will never be completely empty. The more milk released, the more will be produced as a replacement.
Therefore, the best practice is to nurse at more frequent intervals, drain the breast as much as possible, and switch sides. This stimulation sends the body specific cues that the baby needs more milk to feed on. Hence, increasing the supply. Pumping is another option between feedings to stimulate extra milk production.
Pay Attention To Mind-Body Connection
Another of the top three tips for increasing your breast milk supply focuses on technique. Breastfeeding involves a mind-body connection. Mothers and babies must be comfortable with their lactation technique to ensure proper feeding and production. The use of relaxation techniques can consciously minimize stress and facilitate a steady supply flow.
Always double-check the baby’s position to ensure their own relaxed and flexed position. The head should be slightly extended, with the nose and mouth uncovered. Correct alignment and skin-to-skin contact are key here for a good latch. For optimal nourishment, remain cognizant of cues and steadily follow your baby’s lead. Every baby has different needs.
Take Advantage of Professional Consults and Supplies
Still concerned that your supply may be too low? The right educational lactation resources can be beneficial to help you determine the ideal solution. Consider reaching out to professionals in the field for expert advice or suggestions. Resolving any possible supply or feeding challenges may be as easy as a new routine or technique changes.
At Cascade Health Care, our collection of lactation supplies has been carefully curated to provide the best products for new mothers. Our selection includes tubes, shields, syringes, and more to benefit various aspects of the breastfeeding process. We’re here to help ensure the greatest safety and efficiency with our high-quality healthcare supplies.
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