Why Monitoring Water Temperature During Birth Is Vital

Why Monitoring Water Temperature During Birth Is Vital

Jul 18th 2023

Many birth families embark on their prenatal journey with one goal in mind: a water delivery. For some, attending a medical facility such as a birth center is their first and best option. Others may hire a midwife and deliver their bundle of joy in the stillness of their homes. Regardless of the delivery location, the water temperature during the birth will play a vital role in the health and well-being of everyone involved. We explore this in more detail below.

The Importance of Water Temperature

Getting the water temperature right is imperative. When a birth parent initially sets out for a water delivery, they understand the goal of the water is to promote relaxation and ultimately assist in pharmaceutical-free labor. When the water is too cold or too hot, the birth parent is at risk of increased complications from a lack of relaxation and potential harm to the baby. Therefore, the birth parent’s body temperature must sustain a viable rating, even when submerged in warm water.

What Happens When the Temperature Is Right

So what is the right temperature? Most often, birth centers will keep the water at 99 degrees Fahrenheit. This magic number is near a human’s natural body temperature. This creates a warm, stable environment for the birth parent to relax and the baby to feel almost no change once delivered. Holding firm to this 99-degree marker is also one of the most secure ways to ensure the newly born baby can adapt easily to outside of the womb.

Best Ways To Monitor the Water Temperature

Close monitoring of the water temperatures during birth is vital, and using all the necessary equipment and tools makes this easy. In all cases, a thermometer is the go-to source for accurate readings. Some facilities or families may choose to use two thermometers for reassurance. But all water deliveries will need a water birth pool, which is a safe, suitable environment to monitor water temperatures and change levels if necessary. If the water is too cold or too hot, the pool allows for quick and easy draining to re-fill and get the temperature right.

Cascade Health Care is your trusted source for all your water birth supplies and equipment. We feature a wide variety of provisions that allow for accuracy, safety, and comfort for all birth parents, babies, and care providers. Shop our complete inventory to prepare for your next delivery!