When Can You Hear a Fetal Heartbeat on a Doppler?

When Can You Hear a Fetal Heartbeat on a Doppler?

Mar 23rd 2023

The pitter-patter of your baby’s heartbeat is miraculous. It’s in those first moments of hearing the heartbeat that an expecting parent understands how just how precious life is. But listening to your baby’s heartbeat requires structure and delicacy as your care provider uses various detection devices to gain clarity.

When Can I Hear My Baby’s Heartbeat?

Depending on when you make your first prenatal appointment, the first sign of a viable heartbeat can be detectable as early as 6 weeks gestation. The technician administering this early detection scan often uses a transvaginal ultrasound because it offers increased clarity around the embryo and size. It isn’t until further into the pregnancy that an external ultrasound detects a better view.

Using a fetal doppler this early into pregnancy is not advisable because it will not offer accurate or precise readings. You can begin hearing the fetal heartbeat on a doppler around 12 weeks gestation, though the accuracy may vary based on fetal positioning and size at this stage.

Can I Use a Fetal Doppler at Home?

The wide range of fetal dopplers on the market is appealing for in-home use. But it is critical to understand that using these devices at home is not advisable and should be avoided unless offered by a trained professional administering in-home care. Using handheld fetal dopplers in-home can result in inaccurate results, fear surrounding the results, and potential device abuse.

Understandably, you may wish to hear your baby’s growing heartbeat on a more frequent basis, as this is an essential measure of health and well-being. Depending on your gestation, you may feel for your baby’s movements or invest in a Pinard horn for safe at-home listening. It’s best to partner with your overseeing care provider to learn about best practices regarding a Pinard horn and discuss whether they have concerns surrounding its use.

Will My Care Provider Use a Fetal Doppler?

The first trimester comes with a lot of developmental milestones. Some pregnancies display a detectable heartbeat as early as 6 weeks, and others may take as long as 8 weeks before heartbeat detection. These variations are all normal and no cause for concern unless stated otherwise by your healthcare provider. It isn’t typical for a provider to use a medical fetal doppler before 12 weeks, as this is the safest, most reliable window of time for a handheld device to detect an audible reading.

At Cascade Health Care, we understand how precious a heartbeat is and that you may wish to hear a fetal heartbeat on a doppler device. We encourage all patients to partner with their overseeing provider to learn about best practices for safe in-home monitoring and trust the professionals to use handheld devices at the most appropriate time. Connect with us today to learn about our selection of Pinard horns or other maternity-related care items.