The Equipment Needed To Open a Birthing Center

The Equipment Needed To Open a Birthing Center

Dec 8th 2022

When it's time to begin a new venture and open a birthing center, the challenges that arise may surprise many providers. The center's goals are incredible and valuable in every community, but it's essential to equip the center with the correct supplies to achieve these goals. In this article, we help you prepare this sacred space with the necessary equipment so you're ready to serve all moms in the community.

Fetal Monitoring Equipment

Birthing centers should always house appropriate monitoring equipment regardless of a mother's preferred intervention levels. Devices such as waterproof fetal dopplers, vascular dopplers, and fetoscopes are necessary for care providers to accurately listen to and monitor a baby's progress via sound. In addition to these handhelds, it's ideal to include APMs, also known as antepartum fetal monitors, to perform non-stress tests during a pregnancy.

Breastfeeding Teaching Aids

Supporting mothers on their breastfeeding journey requires a facility with the tools and teaching aids to lend a hand. Not only do these devices assist mothers, but they can refine the care provider's level of knowledge and care surrounding techniques and support.

Consider stocking the birth center with nipple balm, shields, and milk-supportive teas. Breast models and replicas can also aid in overall knowledge and simulations for providers and patients.

Newborn Care Supplies

A wide range of newborn health care supplies is necessary and critical to offering adequate postpartum care while the mother and baby are patients in the center. Stock these supplies to create a well-rounded space for optimal care.

Items such as blankets, caps, bulb syringes, and general midwifery kits can provide for, protect, and accommodate those newborn needs in the early postpartum hours. Once the mother and baby return home, it is up to them to provide the necessary supplies.

Postpartum Care Kits

It is up to the patients to provide their personal postpartum care kits for home recovery needs, but there are supplies your center can provide that can get them off to a good start. Stock your birthing center with bath supplies, peri bottles, and various incontinence products to help mothers in immediate postpartum accommodate themselves and their circumstances. Adding pee pads to a patient's room may also be advantageous to ensure she feels comfortable and more easily enters her healing phase.

Birth Intended Support Devices

The primary objectives of most birth centers are to assist and provide a safe place for mothers to give birth and enter motherhood. Accommodating the center with the necessary birth-intended support devices can ensure ethical support for all birthing preferences.

Equip the space with birthing pools, comfortable beds, and all relative supplies to accompany these items. This may also include well-manicured midwifery kits and birth kits to ensure the providers are ready to perform the tasks at hand.

Cascade Health Care is an industry-leading medical equipment supplier capable of helping you ensure your birthing center has all the necessary equipment. We are committed to providing a safe and supportive birth community in all aspects, from antenatal care to birth support and postpartum solutions. Connect with us to learn more!