
5 Questions To Ask During Your First Prenatal Doctor Visit

5 Questions To Ask During Your First Prenatal Doctor Visit

Finding out you’re pregnant can stir many feelings simultaneously. Because of this, it can be challenging to know what is worth asking your doctor at the first prenatal visit. Here, we help you refine this process with some key questions.

Do I Need To Make Any Lifestyle Changes?

It’s easy to think that pregnancy news means your lifestyle must change. For the most part, this is untrue. But asking your doctor about these potential changes or needs is vital because every mother and pregnancy is different.

Some are high-risk, others feel nothing but bliss for nine months, and some are free to work out every day until labor. All these instances will be personal, so partnering with your care provider is imperative. You may also want to consider asking this question again as your pregnancy progresses.

Are There Certain Vitamins I Should Take?

If you ask your doctor anything in your first prenatal appointment, let it be about vitamins. This topic can enter the grey area relatively quickly, and the advice of other mothers may cloud your best judgment.

By asking your doctor this question, they can best guide you toward the vitamins and supplements appropriate to your individual needs and pregnancy symptoms.

Which Foods Should I Eat and Avoid?

The first prenatal appointment is full of information, anticipation, and potential fears. All these feelings are valid and expected. What causes a lot of panic for many new moms are the risks associated with certain food groups and how to maintain a healthy, balanced diet.

These wishes can be hard to maintain when morning sickness or other pregnancy-related symptoms present themselves. Ask your provider in the first appointment about foods to consider and foods to avoid. This information can help your pregnancy’s viability and bring you additional nutrients you may need.

Can You Provide a General Due Date?

Understanding your general due date can provide a timeframe for when you should expect your little bundle. This reference point can help you prepare, educate yourself, and do all that’s needed to prepare for your baby’s arrival.

Your doctor can use a series of medical dopplers throughout the pregnancy to receive fetal markers about health and growth. You may see your provider use doppler devices throughout pregnancy and labor, so it’s worth asking about them and their essential functions to gain a complete understanding and weigh the risks associated with their use.

What Are Your Birth Statistics?

Asking an OB or the overseeing care provider for their birth statistics can give you a good sense of compatibility between you and your prenatal care provider. Should you desire a vaginal water birth and your potential overseeing provider has a high rate of cesareans, this may indicate a breakdown in commonalities or aligned wishes.

It may feel tough to ask this question, but it’s essential to remember that you’re paying this individual to align with your needs and wishes with feasible outcomes. And you deserve the outcomes you’re seeking.

Cascade Health Care values the prenatal process and equips medical spaces with industry-leading supplies for every prenatal appointment. With this list of ideal questions, we hope your pregnancy is enjoyable and memorable.

Dec 12th 2022

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