4 Steps to Becoming a Certified Nurse Midwife
Working in the maternal care field and with newborns is an incredibly rewarding career path. Not only do individuals get to witness the miracle of life, but they can earn a lucrative living with flexibility and benefits. If you’ve been pondering becoming a midwife yourself, we explore the steps you need to take to make this happen.
Receive Your Bachelor’s in Nursing
The first and most significant step to becoming a certified nurse midwife is earning your bachelor’s in registered nursing. You can’t gain certification with the midwifery board without completing this baseline education program. Then, you can familiarize yourself with the specialty while working in the field.
Those who earn an associate degree in nursing can use a bridge program to work their way into the midwifery master’s program. Most often, it’s more advantageous to earn a bachelor’s instead of an associate’s degree with the long-term goal of becoming a certified nurse midwife.
Gain Field Experience
After passing your NCLEX, the exam that certifies you as a registered nurse, you should begin working in the field to gain experience. Consider working with a range of patients and trauma levels to familiarize yourself with the empathy and workflows associated with nursing.
As you get more comfortable with yourself, the medical environment, and patient demands, begin putting more focus on the maternity ward so you can open the door to maternal and newborn care needs. A midwife works directly with the mother, the newborn, and a range of family members related to each patient. A well-rounded background can help aspiring CNMs better serve each family they work with in the future.
Earn a Master’s or Ph.D. in Midwifery
You will feel ready to take on a specialized education program that will help you earn your midwifery title with enough field experience and practice on the maternity ward. The midwifery board will not honor your application request without advanced education designed for practicing midwives, so it’s vital to take this step to become a certified nurse midwife seriously.
You can earn a master’s or a Ph.D.; whichever you choose is up to you and your goals. If you initially chose to earn an associate degree, finding an institution offering a bridge program that closes the gap from a missing bachelor’s is essential.
Receive Certification From the American Midwifery Board
Certifying yourself with the American Midwifery Certification Board is your final step when all your educational programs finish. This certification is similar to a nurse’s NCLEX and distinguishes you in the midwifery community as a certified nurse midwife, medically trained and educated to work with all levels of maternal care demands. What’s unique about receiving certification is all 50 states will honor your credentials, and you can practice midwifery where it works best for you.
Cascade Health Care is eager to watch your medical career unfold. We offer professional midwife bags complete with all the essential tools and devices you may need for optimal patient care. Shop our inventory of midwifery support aids, and best wishes for a bright future!
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